Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fatigue to Energized! Cord Cutting Tool

Cord Cutting Attachment Cutting Personal Guidance image 0
I love to check Cobra's blog! I love following Corey Goode's intel.  I love following Sheldon Nidle, too.  I like paying attention to the signs of the times around me.   I find that it helps give me hope of leaving behind this old paradigm and stepping into something new and exhilarating!

I have also found that I have created negative attachments (cording) to these events and future hopes when I get wrapped up in them, because I start to pin my hopes on something that is on the outside of me instead of taking responsibility for my own evolution via my inner work.  While I really enjoy being a participant in the movement toward spreading Love, preparing for the Event and changes, connecting in Mass Meditation groups, joining in co-creative opportunities, keeping up with intel, and participate in sharing encouragement the best I can, I have found it is imperative to keep centered and keep my cup full in this present moment.  Otherwise, I am going to deplete myself and have nothing much to offer.

If I lend myself to impatience and frustration toward these future events, then I  create negative attachments of dependency, and I end up literally GIVING my power away.  This happens subconsciously until I recognize that am allowing negativity, sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment to over ride my focus and then my energy just drains out.

It is no wonder darker entities would be drawn to this situation since it gives them plenty to feed on. It's like leaving garbage out and the rodents find it. However, this can be turned around and viewed as a blessing, too because it brings to my attention what I inner work is coming up for cleaning. Like a weed in my garden. When I recognize that I am feeling this drain, it gives me the opportunity to look at my patterns and reexamine where 'the leaks' might be so I can plug them, alter my pattern, recharge and have regenerate overflow of energy to share towards co-creating the new paradigm.  This stabilizes my energy field and makes it easier to hold my light brighter. 

There is an energetic process I use called cord-cutting. I do it as often as twice per day and if I go a week or two, I can really feel the difference! There are several schools of though out there on this.  I suggest doing some research and using your inner discernment to figure out what works best for YOU...if you are interested in this. 

I will gladly share how I cut my cords. This works for ME.  I have combined a few methods that I have learned over the years. 

1)  Prepare
a) The space.  Looks like a toilet bowl with a hand full of salt in it. Any negative energy will be trapped in the salt. This way I can just flush when I'm finished.  I've also used a bowl of water with some salt in it, then flushed it. I'm careful not to touch the water and wash my hands after flushing.
b) The intent, I know what I am cutting from before I begin (person/place/thing/idea/belief/etc.)

 2)  Invoke
I call on the Supreme Creator/Divine Source ( whatever name you use) for Love, Protection, Guidance, Healing, and Help.  I invite my healing angels and my benevolent guides (according to my chosen path) and ask for assistance.  Connect to my heart space.*** A note: Taking responsibility for myself is a part of my spiritual growth and expansion.  I ask for help every time. That being said, I would do my self a dis-service by expecting someone else (physical form or not) to do my work for me, entirely.  As I learn and grow I gain more knowledge...comes more responsibility.

3)  I imagine my whole being the size of a particle in front of me. 

4)  State Intent
Personally, I have a consistent list I do regular maintenance on based on my past, deep rooted agreements that I've recognized which no longer serve ME... you find YOURS. Consciously cutting these cords away from me keeps my energy from subconsciously leaking. I write them down on a list and keep the list in front of me to read & FEEL (feelings...the language the universe hears loudest!) as I am naming them.  Here are some of mine that you may or may not resonate with for yourself: All fear of not knowing, All fear of abandonment, All cravings of sugar, All poverty consciousness... you get the idea :).  Then, there are situational cords that I might name...All negative cords connected to person x, All negative cords connected to situation x, All negative cords connected with place/thing x, etc.
*** A special note, my understanding is that it is super, Super, SUPER difficult to cut a positive cord, so I don't even worry about that, especially since I have already asked for assistance and protection.

5) Using my imagination, I sense the cords and grab all of them with both hands. I think, "Clamp! Clamp!" as I do it. If I sense they are too thick to clamp in my hand, I imagine them compressing to easily fit.
I hold the cords with both hands, particularly with my pointer finger and my thumb in the clamping position.
I use the hand fartherest from my imagined particle-self, I take the other hand, still clamping with pointer and thumb, straighten my middle, ring, and pinky fingers as though they are a blade and turn it to make a slashing motion to the cord between my hands 3x.
I am now holding both ends of the severed cord.

6) While still holding on to the end cords that are still plugged into me, I take the OTHER part of the cords I just severed and make a plugging motion into the core of the Earth, and I ASK Gaia that goes something like, "Mother Earth, please take these cords and transmute these energies with your love and healing." I then say THANK YOU!  The reason I need to do something with these cords is that a)I don't want them whipping around like a spewing fire hose, b) they could be connected to someone else and that person has connected to me because they need to be fed energy (most likely subconscious on their behalf), love and healing,  c) I don't want them reconnecting to me! Healthy connections resemble bridges, not cords.

7) I now focus on the part of the cords that are plugged in to me.  I rotate my clamping hand about 3x counterclockwise for loosening.  Sometimes I imagine an electric blue or soft pink energy running down the cord to the end where the ROOTS are.  With a firm but still gentile motion I pull the cords out by their roots and release them in the salt water.

8) I like to wash my hands at this point, or spray them.  I have a spray bottle with vodka, lavender oil, and sage leaves. I use this as a cleanser.  If nothing is around, I can make 3 OMs holding my hands near my face and clean them that way. 

9) I am NOT FINISHED until I consciously fill the space I just made with something intentional.  Otherwise, something I don't intend will subconsciously fill it.  I state my intent of any of the higher frequencies: Love, Compassion, Kindness, etc. AND I imagine filling the spaces with golden liquid light, sometimes soft pink, or gold & pink. Find what works best for YOU.

10) Flush.

11) THANK YOU Divine Source/Supreme Creator for your Help, Love, Protection, Guidance and Healing.  Thank you divine helpers for your assistance!

12) Wash your hands

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