Friday, October 5, 2018

Inner Chatter of Who and What We ARE...Among an Ocean of Distraction

A dear friend of mine posted an article that points fingers at a particularly unsavory individual.  It was a typical article depicting horrendous injustice and was composed of an effective method of typical distraction designed for the masses via mass media. It was the kind of article that would have any one with half a heart shake their head at the seemingly sad state of existence that storms around us daily. This sparked a response in me...

My Response:

Sex trafficking pedophile rings are run by the deep state . I am not excusing Trump, but as far as sex trafficking goes, he is not the root problem and far from the root of it. People will deny and do not want to hear this, but it is the Holy Roman Empire (not eliminating other religious orders here), which is connected to every major country in the world politically (left or right is an illusion of 'choice'), the root of the world's monetary system (banks and their linked corporations), Hollywood film industry and other film industries, CPS has a nasty underbelly for this, too. "They" will keep us distracted via dividing us to conquer us. Denial is powerful. The struggle to survive is steep and distracting in different ways for different walks of life. "They' will keep us distracted, dummed down, fighting each other, and fighting for survival to further their control and power agenda. If people really knew who they are -from the inside out- all of this would end immediately. People will not be told by any of the institutions we are programmed to look toward of what incredible, powerful beings we really are. 'They' will distract us from our potential every chance they get. In addition, 'they' are 60+ years technologically advanced ahead of current society, so tech being used against us is not even recognized. What in the world is there left to do?! Something that may seem ludicrous in the face of such hostility...but is it to build the skill of being still and quiet so you can listen to your heart and know yourself... to find out who and what you REALLY are... to learn to be the eye of the storm. "They" cannot feed if you give them no food.

Posed question response:

Why does the deep state run pedophile rings? What do they have to gain by doing this?


Those are fantastic questions (that I'm not going to discuss here). The short answer is power and control. However, keep posing the question (within your quizzical self), if you truly want to know, information concerning your questions will come. Information always comes when we seek from within. We have to learn to be still enough and quiet enough to recognize it when it comes. Just about everything on the outside of us is designed to be a distraction from going within ourselves. More great questions look like..."Who am I really? Am I my thoughts, body, emotions? What am I here to do (or not do)? What is the middle path of balance look like for me? What has to shift within so I can raise my vibration? How do I move with ease and grace into a state of emitting more in the blank). When we work to clean our inner state of being, we are simultaneously cleaning what is on the above, so below. As we are responsible for our selves and really have little to no control past our own actions or reactions, self mastery is an invaluable skill to attain. I hope this helps. I understand wanting a more direct answer, but the best I can do is point the way the best way I know how. Love and all the best to you .

Later that Evening:

I had a discussion with another friend. He said he was curious about my world view.  I said that ironically I just responded to a friend's post where I had expressed some of those views concerning the state of the planet, and I mentioned the above post.  We discussed some corresponding points of view. 

One of these corresponding points was the subject of allowing, which can easily be addressed in conjunction with free will.  These things are happening because of the allowing. I would tie the allowing part in with denial which I see as the enabling factor of the allowing. I mentioned the power of denial above.  In woven with the denial is that most people are so loving (even if they have their ancestral energetic junk to deal with) that the horrors of sex trafficking  and  pedophile rings are simply so inconceivable that although we may hear roomers of atrocity we cannot really believe or understand why or how it is happening. It would be a pleading questioning of 'why?!?! but why?!?!,' too (add puke face here). The disbelief or denial is a part of the reason this continues or has continued for the hundreds of years, if not thousands, that it has.  Now that there is internet and information travels faster than when we received mail via horseback, these intolerable acts are quickly aired and much more difficult to cover up. The best 'they' can do is add disinformation around anything that leaks so that the information becomes lost in a cluster-f**k. 

Another addition to the cause of the effect is that we have been subjected to several malicious attempts of suppression.  We do not operate at our maximum capacity...half capacity...nor quarter capacity.  If anything we are dumbed down to a fraction reserved for survival in hopes that we never know who and what we are.  IMHO, masses of people are so far off the mark that there is a great possibility of literally going into shock if we knew who we are and our full potential of our capabilities.  Yes, we are waking up. More and more people are becoming more and more aware in every moment, and that is wonderful.  I have a very wise teacher who often suggests we are eternal and unlimited beings who wanted and agreed to the challenge of becoming unlimited again from within the confines of limitation and that hell is only a place of limitation and learning and that our one and only intent of incarnating in this humanoid form is to fully become Hu-Man.  God (Hu) living fully within the skin of a person (Man) is who we are, but I constantly question what does that look like and how do I arrive? How do I attain this self mastery?! We are continually being bombarded with hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of distractions of all kinds on the outside of our skin to keep us from going within and finding out who and what we REALLY are. 

We are given free will which basically means that we can do whatever we want without interference from The Observers. From my currently limited amount of information attained from observation, conversations, and discernment combined with intuition, I am seriously contemplating that this illusory set-up we call 3-D reality here on this planet Earth (universe even) was to be given free will and then let it run however it runs.  This plan is not to be intervened on, at least not with out permission. Therefore, if we need or want help we must continually ask for it.  It is most helpful if your Prayer-Receiver(s) can speak to you and you can hear and join the conversation. Thus, building the skill of stillness and quiet so that we are able to hear and listen to our hearts is invaluable, as I have stated above in the original post.  I think what we did not count on in the original plans was an infiltration of other dimensional forces that have wreaked havoc on the masses. IMHO, I do not think we intended for this infiltration and particular hands are tied, unless we ask for the help.  

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