Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Weeds and Progress

 Q: Does smoking weed block spiritual progress?


R: At one point in my life, weed helped because of where I was on my path. Eventually, it no longer had the effect it once did. I eventually just chose other things on my path because I recognized that having a clear mind was imperative to my progress. It's not like I ever said NO!... just more like, nah. These days it is just not in my desire because my focus is else where. Do what is right for you, and when it is time to move on, you'll know, and either you will or you won't.


It doesnt matter which way you walk Cheshire Cat | Etsy 

Perception of Death

Depends on one's level of enlightenment around their perception of 'death'. Even beings that are considered enlightened still have a path to journey. Personally, I can say that my relationship with what I perceive as death is much different now than it was before I consciously began my inner work years ago. Of course, I haven't been put to the test recently, and I don't wish for it either. I do expect that I still have some expansion to experience around this subject, too. In my opinion, we get to a point where what we perceive as death is altered in such a way that fear begins to diminish more and more.



Heart Opening is Growth

Q:Why does feeling of infinite love always makes me cry?

It opens the heart, making room for growth

Free Online Yoga Class – Hala Khouri 'Fluid Heart-Opening Flow'

Belief or Perspective?



"Belief" is a limiting term, it is an end point. "My perspective at this time" allows for new information, growth and expansion. What 'resonates' with me may not resonate for others. My perspective at this time, given the information that I have, is that the concept of insert idea here resonates with me. Do you notice the difference?






Reminder that we all have a different perspective : funny 

A Different Perspective – IZS 

Kids today have a different perspective 

Do bilingual people have a different perspective on the world? |  Translation Agency Textcase 

The Jury Will Disregard The Witness's Last Drawing by Richard Decker 

Emanuel Wiemans: Illustration, animation and storyboards - A different  perspective | Illustration, Illustrators, Animation

Releasing Conformity for Expansion


Q: Need encouragement breaking free of church tradition & now believing Joe's (Dispenza) teachings (question I responded to on FB)
R: Leaving 'the church' is not the same as leaving 'God', although any belief system would claim otherwise. Divine source is everywhere, everything. There is more expansion to be experienced than staying within the context of a traditional belief system and the expectation of others, no matter how seemingly 'popular' their ideas are. I do not know what sort of church you are referring, but for me it was the christian church that I left. I did not leave divine source. I asked some serious question of my heart (where Jesus lives ) and came across serious information to consider. It's not that there are not any truths in the religious scene, there are some, and there is a lot more information to consider that will not be offered from any one single place. I have known many loving people that are still with in the context of religion who work to remain in integrity with where they are, and that is perfectly fine, too. As for me, I knew there had to be more and that some beliefs that are held onto in a church setting were unsettling and seemed off center to me. No matter what you are doing or where you are on your path, keep asking your heart the questions. Watch information come your way. Learning to discern what resonates with your heart is a daily practice. I can tell you after over a decade of 'asking the questions' I am closer to Divine Source than I have ever been. If it helps, look to the verse that says something like 'draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you.' There is nothing wrong with a child asking a parent questions, that is how we learn. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with us asking our heart/Divine Source any kind of question. In addition, just because one decides to entertain a new school-of -thought, or another's ideas, does not mean we have to take them on as our own. It's just another school of thought. Somethings resonate and some don't. As more information comes in, there is more to consider, and expansion will naturally occur. All the best on your path! 

How to Avoid 'Negative' Energies


 Q: What can I do to not absorb someone’s negative energy?! I’m a beginner please yelp!!! 

R: The biggest practice is to learn is what energies are yours and what energies are not. The more one expands, the more empathic they can become and perceive a lot that is in their vicinity but not theirs. Eventually you may find that people who do not resonate at your vibration will pass out of your life...doesn't make them 'bad' people...just no longer resonate. It is important to learn where your boundaries are, what you are willing to and not willing to put up with. And with practice, you can learn to be firm yet loving with the boundaries - this mainly revolves around self respect and self love. Through this process there are many tools that can be used as an extension of your self and your intent. Learning to shield is one of the best. Other helper examples are crystals - all have a different function and vibration- there is a plethora you can look up online. Cord cutting is great! Also give from your overflow, not your cup because there is nothing to give if you keep yourself depleted. Remember to focus on what you want to grow in your life, and it will help fade the other stuff out. All the best to you on your journey. 

