Friday, October 5, 2018

Inner Chatter of Who and What We ARE...Among an Ocean of Distraction

A dear friend of mine posted an article that points fingers at a particularly unsavory individual.  It was a typical article depicting horrendous injustice and was composed of an effective method of typical distraction designed for the masses via mass media. It was the kind of article that would have any one with half a heart shake their head at the seemingly sad state of existence that storms around us daily. This sparked a response in me...

My Response:

Sex trafficking pedophile rings are run by the deep state . I am not excusing Trump, but as far as sex trafficking goes, he is not the root problem and far from the root of it. People will deny and do not want to hear this, but it is the Holy Roman Empire (not eliminating other religious orders here), which is connected to every major country in the world politically (left or right is an illusion of 'choice'), the root of the world's monetary system (banks and their linked corporations), Hollywood film industry and other film industries, CPS has a nasty underbelly for this, too. "They" will keep us distracted via dividing us to conquer us. Denial is powerful. The struggle to survive is steep and distracting in different ways for different walks of life. "They' will keep us distracted, dummed down, fighting each other, and fighting for survival to further their control and power agenda. If people really knew who they are -from the inside out- all of this would end immediately. People will not be told by any of the institutions we are programmed to look toward of what incredible, powerful beings we really are. 'They' will distract us from our potential every chance they get. In addition, 'they' are 60+ years technologically advanced ahead of current society, so tech being used against us is not even recognized. What in the world is there left to do?! Something that may seem ludicrous in the face of such hostility...but is it to build the skill of being still and quiet so you can listen to your heart and know yourself... to find out who and what you REALLY are... to learn to be the eye of the storm. "They" cannot feed if you give them no food.

Posed question response:

Why does the deep state run pedophile rings? What do they have to gain by doing this?


Those are fantastic questions (that I'm not going to discuss here). The short answer is power and control. However, keep posing the question (within your quizzical self), if you truly want to know, information concerning your questions will come. Information always comes when we seek from within. We have to learn to be still enough and quiet enough to recognize it when it comes. Just about everything on the outside of us is designed to be a distraction from going within ourselves. More great questions look like..."Who am I really? Am I my thoughts, body, emotions? What am I here to do (or not do)? What is the middle path of balance look like for me? What has to shift within so I can raise my vibration? How do I move with ease and grace into a state of emitting more in the blank). When we work to clean our inner state of being, we are simultaneously cleaning what is on the above, so below. As we are responsible for our selves and really have little to no control past our own actions or reactions, self mastery is an invaluable skill to attain. I hope this helps. I understand wanting a more direct answer, but the best I can do is point the way the best way I know how. Love and all the best to you .

Later that Evening:

I had a discussion with another friend. He said he was curious about my world view.  I said that ironically I just responded to a friend's post where I had expressed some of those views concerning the state of the planet, and I mentioned the above post.  We discussed some corresponding points of view. 

One of these corresponding points was the subject of allowing, which can easily be addressed in conjunction with free will.  These things are happening because of the allowing. I would tie the allowing part in with denial which I see as the enabling factor of the allowing. I mentioned the power of denial above.  In woven with the denial is that most people are so loving (even if they have their ancestral energetic junk to deal with) that the horrors of sex trafficking  and  pedophile rings are simply so inconceivable that although we may hear roomers of atrocity we cannot really believe or understand why or how it is happening. It would be a pleading questioning of 'why?!?! but why?!?!,' too (add puke face here). The disbelief or denial is a part of the reason this continues or has continued for the hundreds of years, if not thousands, that it has.  Now that there is internet and information travels faster than when we received mail via horseback, these intolerable acts are quickly aired and much more difficult to cover up. The best 'they' can do is add disinformation around anything that leaks so that the information becomes lost in a cluster-f**k. 

Another addition to the cause of the effect is that we have been subjected to several malicious attempts of suppression.  We do not operate at our maximum capacity...half capacity...nor quarter capacity.  If anything we are dumbed down to a fraction reserved for survival in hopes that we never know who and what we are.  IMHO, masses of people are so far off the mark that there is a great possibility of literally going into shock if we knew who we are and our full potential of our capabilities.  Yes, we are waking up. More and more people are becoming more and more aware in every moment, and that is wonderful.  I have a very wise teacher who often suggests we are eternal and unlimited beings who wanted and agreed to the challenge of becoming unlimited again from within the confines of limitation and that hell is only a place of limitation and learning and that our one and only intent of incarnating in this humanoid form is to fully become Hu-Man.  God (Hu) living fully within the skin of a person (Man) is who we are, but I constantly question what does that look like and how do I arrive? How do I attain this self mastery?! We are continually being bombarded with hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of distractions of all kinds on the outside of our skin to keep us from going within and finding out who and what we REALLY are. 

We are given free will which basically means that we can do whatever we want without interference from The Observers. From my currently limited amount of information attained from observation, conversations, and discernment combined with intuition, I am seriously contemplating that this illusory set-up we call 3-D reality here on this planet Earth (universe even) was to be given free will and then let it run however it runs.  This plan is not to be intervened on, at least not with out permission. Therefore, if we need or want help we must continually ask for it.  It is most helpful if your Prayer-Receiver(s) can speak to you and you can hear and join the conversation. Thus, building the skill of stillness and quiet so that we are able to hear and listen to our hearts is invaluable, as I have stated above in the original post.  I think what we did not count on in the original plans was an infiltration of other dimensional forces that have wreaked havoc on the masses. IMHO, I do not think we intended for this infiltration and particular hands are tied, unless we ask for the help.  

Friday, April 27, 2018


When I encounter something I am having difficulty understanding, or feel powerless to help, I send my intention of connecting the person and/or situation with a Stream-of-Grace from Divine Source. Basically, I put for the vision of requesting help for that scenario. More information may or may not come later, but I know I've done the best I can from my perspective at that time. <3 Sending you love and a Stream-of-Grace! ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Selective Sharing

Beach white sand pearl shell clam macro — Stock Photo © lunamarina #5936247

It has been a growing point for me, to learn how recognize the signs of overwhelming others. Learning how resistant people are to undo their programming, and how to be gentle enough to plants seeds in, hopefully, fertile cracks. I have learned more compassion, and I have seen into myself more deeply by viewing the contrast of my perspective to the perspective the resistant person can hold. It has taught me to be more in tune with listening to my higher intuition, and how to listen for my inner voice. It has helped me see the divinity of timing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Balancing Isolation and Restoring the Feeling Reconnection

When I feel isolated, heavy, and more separate than usual

Post: 4/16/18 -
Are you experienc[ing] strong and isolation-like loneliness?
[I]...sense that I have no more connection with any means of Terra. Like I'm not belong to the surface human Society anymore.
Is this ...possible?
What are your thoughts?

My Response:
Thank you for this post! Yes, I often feel this. I relate it to several ways, one being that I am an isolationist to begin with. Basically because I enjoy my own company more that the company of others that I know, that is, past a certain length of visiting time. I do have good friends, and few that I can share my esoteric view points with. Overall, there have been many shifts in my life and the lives of most of my friends, and as a result we now have different priorities. I recognize that as my vibration raises, my friend circles shift, too. The contrast becomes sharper.

 I feel my rate of expansion is speeding up drastically. Since it is speeding up, my body/dna is needing more and more rest so that it can process these waves of energy coming in. I think of it like a baby that is growing and needs a lot of sleep. I recognize this especially when I begin to get moody and grumpy. I notice that I'm tired and sometimes have to push my self to get through a regular day. I mean it is like a really, really heavy feeling sometimes where I am just dragging even though I may have slept well the night before. This is when I know I need to make it a priority to get more sleep, like a kid who needs a nap. 

 As far as dark forces trying to push crap on me, well that is a constant. They will always try to do that. I am at a place now where I accept that I am most likely a starseed and have chosen to come here in this muck to spread more light. It was a CHOICE I made, so I buck up and look at it as an opportunity for growth and more expansion. I came here to serve. It is not an easy ride, so I'm done whining about it. They can only hook me if I have a place for them to hook to. Much of it is about learning to manage my empathy and not take it on...that is I don't take on emotionally or mentally the crap that I see. I don't have to take it on to help heal it. I have found that taking it on inhibits my vibration to help heal. The WORK, inner work, is to clean those places I get hooked when they show up.

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Fatigue to Energized! Cord Cutting Tool

Cord Cutting Attachment Cutting Personal Guidance image 0
I love to check Cobra's blog! I love following Corey Goode's intel.  I love following Sheldon Nidle, too.  I like paying attention to the signs of the times around me.   I find that it helps give me hope of leaving behind this old paradigm and stepping into something new and exhilarating!

I have also found that I have created negative attachments (cording) to these events and future hopes when I get wrapped up in them, because I start to pin my hopes on something that is on the outside of me instead of taking responsibility for my own evolution via my inner work.  While I really enjoy being a participant in the movement toward spreading Love, preparing for the Event and changes, connecting in Mass Meditation groups, joining in co-creative opportunities, keeping up with intel, and participate in sharing encouragement the best I can, I have found it is imperative to keep centered and keep my cup full in this present moment.  Otherwise, I am going to deplete myself and have nothing much to offer.

If I lend myself to impatience and frustration toward these future events, then I  create negative attachments of dependency, and I end up literally GIVING my power away.  This happens subconsciously until I recognize that am allowing negativity, sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment to over ride my focus and then my energy just drains out.

It is no wonder darker entities would be drawn to this situation since it gives them plenty to feed on. It's like leaving garbage out and the rodents find it. However, this can be turned around and viewed as a blessing, too because it brings to my attention what I inner work is coming up for cleaning. Like a weed in my garden. When I recognize that I am feeling this drain, it gives me the opportunity to look at my patterns and reexamine where 'the leaks' might be so I can plug them, alter my pattern, recharge and have regenerate overflow of energy to share towards co-creating the new paradigm.  This stabilizes my energy field and makes it easier to hold my light brighter. 

There is an energetic process I use called cord-cutting. I do it as often as twice per day and if I go a week or two, I can really feel the difference! There are several schools of though out there on this.  I suggest doing some research and using your inner discernment to figure out what works best for YOU...if you are interested in this. 

I will gladly share how I cut my cords. This works for ME.  I have combined a few methods that I have learned over the years. 

1)  Prepare
a) The space.  Looks like a toilet bowl with a hand full of salt in it. Any negative energy will be trapped in the salt. This way I can just flush when I'm finished.  I've also used a bowl of water with some salt in it, then flushed it. I'm careful not to touch the water and wash my hands after flushing.
b) The intent, I know what I am cutting from before I begin (person/place/thing/idea/belief/etc.)

 2)  Invoke
I call on the Supreme Creator/Divine Source ( whatever name you use) for Love, Protection, Guidance, Healing, and Help.  I invite my healing angels and my benevolent guides (according to my chosen path) and ask for assistance.  Connect to my heart space.*** A note: Taking responsibility for myself is a part of my spiritual growth and expansion.  I ask for help every time. That being said, I would do my self a dis-service by expecting someone else (physical form or not) to do my work for me, entirely.  As I learn and grow I gain more knowledge...comes more responsibility.

3)  I imagine my whole being the size of a particle in front of me. 

4)  State Intent
Personally, I have a consistent list I do regular maintenance on based on my past, deep rooted agreements that I've recognized which no longer serve ME... you find YOURS. Consciously cutting these cords away from me keeps my energy from subconsciously leaking. I write them down on a list and keep the list in front of me to read & FEEL (feelings...the language the universe hears loudest!) as I am naming them.  Here are some of mine that you may or may not resonate with for yourself: All fear of not knowing, All fear of abandonment, All cravings of sugar, All poverty consciousness... you get the idea :).  Then, there are situational cords that I might name...All negative cords connected to person x, All negative cords connected to situation x, All negative cords connected with place/thing x, etc.
*** A special note, my understanding is that it is super, Super, SUPER difficult to cut a positive cord, so I don't even worry about that, especially since I have already asked for assistance and protection.

5) Using my imagination, I sense the cords and grab all of them with both hands. I think, "Clamp! Clamp!" as I do it. If I sense they are too thick to clamp in my hand, I imagine them compressing to easily fit.
I hold the cords with both hands, particularly with my pointer finger and my thumb in the clamping position.
I use the hand fartherest from my imagined particle-self, I take the other hand, still clamping with pointer and thumb, straighten my middle, ring, and pinky fingers as though they are a blade and turn it to make a slashing motion to the cord between my hands 3x.
I am now holding both ends of the severed cord.

6) While still holding on to the end cords that are still plugged into me, I take the OTHER part of the cords I just severed and make a plugging motion into the core of the Earth, and I ASK Gaia that goes something like, "Mother Earth, please take these cords and transmute these energies with your love and healing." I then say THANK YOU!  The reason I need to do something with these cords is that a)I don't want them whipping around like a spewing fire hose, b) they could be connected to someone else and that person has connected to me because they need to be fed energy (most likely subconscious on their behalf), love and healing,  c) I don't want them reconnecting to me! Healthy connections resemble bridges, not cords.

7) I now focus on the part of the cords that are plugged in to me.  I rotate my clamping hand about 3x counterclockwise for loosening.  Sometimes I imagine an electric blue or soft pink energy running down the cord to the end where the ROOTS are.  With a firm but still gentile motion I pull the cords out by their roots and release them in the salt water.

8) I like to wash my hands at this point, or spray them.  I have a spray bottle with vodka, lavender oil, and sage leaves. I use this as a cleanser.  If nothing is around, I can make 3 OMs holding my hands near my face and clean them that way. 

9) I am NOT FINISHED until I consciously fill the space I just made with something intentional.  Otherwise, something I don't intend will subconsciously fill it.  I state my intent of any of the higher frequencies: Love, Compassion, Kindness, etc. AND I imagine filling the spaces with golden liquid light, sometimes soft pink, or gold & pink. Find what works best for YOU.

10) Flush.

11) THANK YOU Divine Source/Supreme Creator for your Help, Love, Protection, Guidance and Healing.  Thank you divine helpers for your assistance!

12) Wash your hands

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Power was Yours All Along!

Energy - Mine, Yours, Theirs

I see post after post about needing help with ‘attacks’ and a desire for information about what to do. I would like to lovingly share my conceptual perspective in hopes that it will be of use. Reader beware… this is seriously lengthy for a post! However, it is my intent to shed light in an area that only gets some hits here and there and seems so needed. I hope this helps to lay some foundation for principles of energy work, especially for those that might be starting out. I hope this is helpful! And as usual, use your inner discernment. <3 Much love to you all!

From the perspective of ‘the outside of us’:

We are all encompassed within a sea of energy and this sea of energy is what connects us -You, Me and Them. We are made of energy and every object that you see or do not see is made of energy. The space in between these energetic particles is called ‘The Void.’ In it’s entirety we are ONE.
Your electromagnetic energy field is a part of your being, even if it exists outside of your skin. This is YOUR space. If there are holes in your energy field, it is your responsibility to learn how to close them. It is your responsibility to learn how to CLAIM your space. You can only be a victim if you allow it. You must learn how and act on EMBODYING your empowerment and your birthright of being sovereign, energetically. We are energetic beings first, because it is the energy that creates form all the way to the physical form.

THIS is REALLY GOOD NEWS!! You are more powerful than you realize! You have control over your being, you just have to CLAIM it! YAAAY! There are many methods how to go about this effectively.

This space you claim can extend to the boundaries of your dwelling space and to the outskirts of your property line. This space can be the space of your entire car and it’s surrounding space that you claim (You can imagine it in a bubble/sphere). This space can also be your office/work area. All and any areas you have stewardship over. If there are other people in these spaces that you choose to keep clear, then it is simply to their benefit. You do not need permission from anyone to keep clear the space you dwell in car/home/office/etc.

A note about your etheric helpers. Call on them, if you need to! They are right there waiting for you to ASK. You must ask if you are wanting help. It is a part of honoring your free will. In addition, even though they are there to help you at any time, NO MATTER WHO you call on for assistance, they are there to HELP you…not necessarily do it FOR you every time. My advice is just don’t expect anyone to keep feeding you milk if you are graduating to solid foods. The point of growing spiritually and becoming a more enlightened being is to eventually be able to take the training wheels off the bike. Come into a spiritual maturity where you are taking responsibility for yourself, not just hiding behind a spiritually stronger being and asking them to do all the work for you, because how else are you going to learn? Yes, ask for help, but you must eventually learn to step up, too. For instance, every time I do a clearing I ask for help. I always call in the helpers that are specific to my path of choosing. What I mean is that it is good to ask for support while I step up to do my work, instead of just handing over my work for someone else to do. If I am to advance, I must take responsibility for myself. Once you realize this for yourself, you will see doors open <3.

Remember, when you CLEAR a space…there is a SPACE. It is always a wise idea to consciously fill it instead of leaving it empty because something WILL fill it …subconsciously. Sure, it’s going to feel really great at first even if you forget, then something will slip into that space that you were not intending and really may not want. You want to be aware of what is there by placing something there intentionally, or you may just find yourself cleaning it over and over. For example, I fill my freshly cleaned spaces with one or more high vibrational frequencies: Love, Peace, Kindness, Flow, Harmony, Compassion…you get the idea. I will add a note here that just because you may clean it once, doesn’t mean you’ll never need to clean it again. There is always some maintenance that comes up.

Let’s talk about fear for a moment. I saw the most brilliant explanation around fear in a movie Will Smith did with his son called After Earth. The only reason I can figure that it got poor reviews its that the ‘deep state’ and the like did not want people understanding that fear is something we can choose not to have, since they feed off of our fears. Sure, it may not be your thing, but I really enjoyed the movie in case you feel inclined to check it out. I feel the whole premise of the movie revolved around this very powerful quote that resonates deeply with me, “The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me... danger is very real but fear is a CHOICE.” Fear will weaken you energetically and leave you susceptible in just about anywhere in your energy that it can work into. I am in no way saying that I do not have fear and have mastered this. However, just knowing this has changed my life for the better, and applying process to clean my energy has helped me make remarkable progress. Fear comes up every time I experience anger or sadness or depression…name any low vibrational energy and fear will be at the root of it. The good news…Fear can be turned into a tool to assist our personal growth! Seriously, it points out where those places to do work are. It points out the places to clear, to clean and to grow. When I get angry, sad about something, it will always help when I am able to step back and ask, what is it I am afraid of? As much as I have a right to any feeling I’ve ever had, in balance, the feelings I have are completely my own responsibility. Sure something on the outside of me may trigger those feelings, but the feelings themselves are totally and completely my own to manage and deal with. The question is, how am I going to CHOOSE deal with them?

Methods of clearing…there really are A LOT out there. Please remember that the most powerful tools you posses are your INTENTION combined with your IMAGINATION, connected with your heart (feeling). This is your creative power to shift energy!!! EXCITING, huh?!!! The power has been with you all along! (Dorothy clicks her heels 3x!) The power is WITH IN you. Literally! This is not limited to visualization!!! Yes, visualizing is powerful, however incorporating ALL the senses, using your sense of touch, smell, taste, and hearing will lead to a somatic experience, which is optimal! Really feeling! Incorporate your emotions, which is the language the universe hears loudest! As you practice this in any energy shifting you participate in (including any meditation) the more effective you become. And the more places you clean, the more quickly you will be able to manifest! This is a skill building JOURNEY.

The Inner Perspective:

There really is not a whole much we can control on the outside of us. The power is on the inside of us to shift. However, as these energies consciously shift you will notice that the things on the outside of you shift as well. It is really amazing! And when we connect with each other to co-create, our combined efforts are exponential!! I mean like WOW, Scoob! Truly incredible!
Ideally, you want your vibration high enough that the lower ‘entities’ can not reach you because you are ‘out of range’, and if somehow you run into some, the energy on the inside of you will be shifted in such a way that they have no power. You will be in a state of empowerment, instead of victimization and they will be powerless with no place to hook you.

So, now you might be like, “Well, that’s great and all but HOW? What are some of these processes?!?!” If I didn’t know any, that’s what I’d be thinking ;). I am going to point to a few things I do then direct you to some sources. I would also like to encourage others who have their own methods and want to share to add to the list, please! I do more than one. There are literally countless ways to use your imagination and intention together & and connect with your heart. As you read through any method or process, you may be drawn to some and uninterested in others. Listen to your resonance! This is your intuition speaking to you.

First, literally ask your inner self (higher self /Universe/Divine Source, God/Goddess, …whatever your choosing here) what are some effective cleaning methods for YOUR energy being are. Then keep your eyes open to what comes along your path!

Method 1 - Gratitude. “Thank you Divine Source, Prime Creator for your Love, Protection, Healing, Help, and Guidance! Thank you for wrapping me in your unconditional love and sending me support.” In addition, developing a practice of gratitude on a daily/weekly basis will raise your vibration. I like to write (obviously ;) ) So, I keep a journal. I went to a bookstore and picked up something I thought would be fun to often pick up. On the left page I write the date, what I am thankful for, and on the right page I write the date a year from the day and write what I am grateful for as though I already have it. On some pages I paste pictures that inspire me… for visioning. Works with more than just things…works great with feelings, remember what is the feeling object x is giving you? Abundance, Support, Freedom, Joy, etc…Here is a link with a bunch of fun ways to incorporate this simple, but very effective method: gratitude-exercises .

Method 2 Grounding- Will get you centered and keep your energy flow balanced. I like to get still and relaxed, then use my breath to imagine energy flow between Galactic Central Sun, My body, Earth’s core.  I would also like to state that as I do this, I consider my body to be hollow or like the clear blue sky, as I do not want to get stuck energy in an of my organs. To begin…As I inhale I imagine a stream of energy coming from the Galactic Central Sun to my heart SPACE…As I exhale the stream of energy connects to Gaia’s core…As I inhale again, I imagine the stream of energy coming from Gaia’s core to my heart SPACE…As I exhale again, I imagine the stream of energy coming from my heart SPACE to the Galactic Central Sun. This is a nice little loop you can practice for a bit. 5-10 minutes should do it. In a pinch, even 3 loops will help! Work on making the inhale and exhale even and as slow as you can, comfortably filling your lower belly with air first before the chest expands. The breaths should feel comfortable, not strained, not full or depleted to the max. Now for a third step that set a new experience of feeling expansion for me…After the second exhale…As I inhale again, I am inhaling the entire universe, as I exhale again I AM the entire universe. Do that 3+ times and see how that feels. :D This guy has listed several grounding-techniques. My advice: there is a lot of info out there, just find something simple that works for you at first. As you explore you’ll find other things to try out later on.

Method 3 SALT!!! & ACV. A) In a very warm bath I will put 3 handfuls of salt and a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (you will not smell like vinegar, lol.) I DO NOT stay in for more than 20 minutes, let’s just call it reverse osmosis :). Salt will draw out negative energies and toxins. Apple Cider Vinegar will draw out radiation. If this seems like too much salt, then buy it in bulk. It is not necessary to get some fancy-pantsy brand of expensive smelly stuff, even if it is nice. You just need utility here. Some people use Epsom. I do not for reasons of the energetic path I chose, the magnesium in the epsom salt does not mix well for me. If you like it, use it. B) If I am in the shower, I slather salt all over and let it sit there a good 3+ minutes before I rinse it off. C) get a small dish and put some salt on it…a few tablespoons-ish. Put it in the corner of the room where it will not be bothered and let it sit a few days. It will draw negative energy. Then FLUSH IT DOWN the toilet. DO NOT reuse it, silly! D) Those Himalayan salt lamps are great, too! Don’t taste it…trust me on this. ;P

Method 4 - Shielding. This is claiming your space. There are different ways you can do it for your person, for your home, for your car, for your office. You have to find what works for you. This is YOUR space. One method I use for my body…Imagine your body, hollow or like the clear blue sky. Imagine a brilliantly bright ball of light about the size of a gum ball in your center (you determine where your center is). As you gently inhale with your lower belly (remember above description) imagine the sphere of light getting larger. As you gently exhale imagine the sphere getting more dense/hotter. Inhale, larger & exhale denser/hotter. Repeat until the sphere of light encompasses your entire body, about 3-9 feet outside of you. Program the shield by directing it to 1) protect you from any & all psychic attacks 2) set a duration. I usually do 3-7 days. 3) Allow negative energy to escape. Remember we all get angry, sad, etc…that must be able to get out and not stay trapped in the shield with you. Also this will weaken the shield, so remember to reinforce the shield. 4)state that it is strong and nothing can destroy it. 5) You and only you are able to re/de/program it. 6) Say thank you! This is a mesh of a few different shielding methods I learned over the years. I can’t recommend this book enough: Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office By Master Choa Kok Sui…/…/B0043FPQAW. If you feel inclined, there are Pranic Healing workshops that teach this too. I like going to see Stephen Co pranic-psychic-self-defense. He’s fun! You can use similar method for your home/car/work space.

Let’s talk about physical tools. When shifting energy, any tool you use is an extension of YOU. The power is not in the tool. The power comes from you and the tool is a mere EXTENSION of yourself. Even an axe has no power without a wielder. And no, there is no axe involved here…just an example.

Shielding using crystal grids. There are tons of recommendations out there. Personally, I choose something rather simple and very effective. If you don’t know what Orgone or who Wilhelm Reich is, I strongly recommend you read up on this amazing discovery that was, of course, smothered by The System. This is an easy to read synopsis of the basics:…/a-history-of-orgonite/. I will also add, you may find all sorts of very beautiful and effective orgonite creations for sale, and they are lovely to have, however, I am again going to stress utility here. They do not have to be pretty to work well. In the corners of my room/house/office, I place mini ‘tower busters’. In between, to make their grid connection stronger, I place sticks of selenite (very affordable) crystals. I place a regular sized Tower Buster over my electrical box. If you have a smart meter, place some orgonite there, too. Place some orgonite next to the computer screen/machine. Place one next to the television. Some people wear them as pendants. I keep a tower buster in my back pack and in my car. You can make a grid in your car if you like. You can do the same with your property. For my property I bought Black Tourmaline to create a grid with. I’m not going to go into the details here. You can look up several ways to create a protection grid. Look up what crystals are used for protection, they are usually black. I will say this though, your intent is UBER important when you program anything. You may find 5 people using the same stones to set up a grid and they all do it differently. These grids will be the most effective with your INTENT powering them.

In my search I found some good stuff I’ll share:…/25845-psychic-self-defense-energy…

Three references that will give you tools to do inner work that will help raise your vibration…

The 4 Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz-…/…/B005BRS8Z6

Warrior Goddess Training - HeatherAsh Amara…

KUNLUN System: The Path of Inner Alchemy Leading to the Truth Within- Max Christensen…/…/ref=sr_1_1…